Hello everybody! I'm Matthew Jones, a 10+ year veteran software developer living and working in beautiful Phoenix, AZ, USA.
The picture above is of me and my son, taken at the Arizona Falls canal art installation (Yes, there is water in the desert, we just have to bring it here).
I got started in programming rather late, after my first semester of college, and never looked back. Every line of code allows me to create, mold, and perfect the solution I am developing. I've been a web developer on the Microsoft stack for more than ten years now, and I love every minute of it!
I come from a family of teachers, and I enjoy helping people learn. I aim to empower new and learning developers with my posts. If you have a topic you'd like me to discuss, let me know in the comments!
I currently work for U-Haul International on the Internal Tools team, in a position where I get to teach and learn every day. It is the best job I've had yet.
This blog serves as my outlet for things I run across in my career, as well as tips and tricks I pick up and experience I have in the general programming and software development world. My goal is to provide a useful repository of knowledge and stories for other programmers and software professionals.
I'm also a semi-professional speaker at tech conferences. You can see the conferences I've spoken at on my Speaking Engagements page. You can also see the sessions I present over on Sessionize.
I'd be very appreciative if you'd subscribe to this blog. If you go one more step and become a paying subscriber, you get The Catch Block, my weekly curated newsletter with all things .NET, Microsoft, and web tech, as well as The Daily Design Pattern, my eBook with a TON of C# examples.
Finally, you can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Github.
This blog, and its content and opinions are my own and do not represent the opinions of my employer(s).