Matthew Jones
from Phoenix, AZ, USA
Developer, speaker, husband, father, reader, walker, Catholic, ADHD, lots of things!
Let's complete the DapperWhereClauseBuilder from the previous issue! Plus: .NET 7 Preview 2, code reviews, gotchas, HTML injection, and more!
Let's see how the order of the middleware in the ASP.NET 6 pipeline affects how they function.
Let's build custom ASP.NET 6 Middleware classes, including a logger and a simple response middleware.
Let's write code that generates SQL! Plus: you should deploy more; feature flags; designing better APIs; cancellation; and VS's 25th anniversary!
Let's see what Middleware is in ASP.NET 6, how it forms pipelines, how the Program.cs file is involved, and a simple implementation.
Comments tell you why. Plus: Finite State Machines, eventual consistency, and cancelling async calls.
I need a break from the suffering, and that's OK. Plus: async cancellation, Test ASP.NET Core 6, and why ideas die.
Let's refactor, slowly and deliberately. Plus: .NET 7 Preview 1; impostor syndrome; accountability; 20 years of .NET; and thinking big.
C#, .NET, Web Tech, The Catch Block, Blazor, MVC, and more!
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