Matthew Jones
from Phoenix, AZ, USA
Developer, speaker, husband, father, reader, walker, Catholic, ADHD, lots of things!
Snap layouts, Teams integration, Android support; the new Windows looks pretty nice!
Let's implement drag-and-drop and build a working game of Solitaire!
The new IntelliCode feature is amazing! Plus .NET 6 Preview 5, C# pattern matching, Gravatar, and telling yourself to shut up.
The first part of the main Solitaire functionality will be done in this post!
Ten quality reads for your enjoyment!
We need classes for a Card, the DrawPile, the DiscardPile, SuitPiles, and the Stacks.
Oh Shit, Git! can help you fix your Git problems. Plus: .NET in the browser, C# 10 features, and domain-driven refactoring.
The biggest time waster in history, now in C# and Blazor WebAssembly!
C#, .NET, Web Tech, The Catch Block, Blazor, MVC, and more!
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