Blazor C# ASP.NET Core Yahtzee in Blazor WebAssembly Part 2: The Blazor Component Let's finish our Yahtzee implementation using Blazor, C#, and ASP.NET Core! by Matthew Jones
The Catch Block Lead Developer The Catch Block #24 - Tips for Leading Small Teams Make decisions quickly and stay out of the way. by Matthew Jones
Blazor Modeling Practice Games Yahtzee in Blazor WebAssembly Part 1: The C# Model Let's build the classic dice game in C#, ASP.NET Core, and Blazor! by Matthew Jones
The Catch Block Lead Developer Tips The Catch Block #23 - Mitigating the Bus Factor Don't let the metaphorical bus cause a disaster on your software team! by Matthew Jones
C# Enumerations Tutorials Creating C# Enums from a SQL Database using T4 Text Templates Let's use T4 Text Templates to generate C# enums from SQL tables. Example code included! by Matthew Jones
The Catch Block The Catch Block #22 - Technical Communication is Hard, Yo Ever tried to explain "copy and paste" to a 10-year-old who has never heard those words? by Matthew Jones
LINQ C# ASP.NET Razor Pages Using Conditional C# LINQ Clauses to Make A Multiple-Input Search Engine Let's use cool extensions to LINQ to search board games by different properties! by Matthew Jones
The Catch Block The Catch Block #21 - Tips for Blind Code Reviews Plus TypeScript's new website, console apps, maintaining vs. building, and translating design into code. by Matthew Jones