Matthew Jones
from Phoenix, AZ, USA
Developer, speaker, husband, father, reader, walker, Catholic, ADHD, lots of things!
Let's see how to wire up a jQuery AJAX request to a Named Handler Method in ASP.NET Core Razor Pages!
In this edition: F#, eye rolls, board games, fish sticks, SQL, markdown gone wrong, habits, and unit tests.
Let's see how to set the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT variable in ASP.NET Core projects using our old friend, the web.config file.
One rule to rule them all, one rule to find them, one rule to bring them all, and in the darkness, name them.
NPM, Visual Basic, social distancing, URL rewriting, CQRS, and upcoming Blazor and .NET 5 goodness.
Let's make a "base" Dapper repository in ASP.NET Core, which can expose data access methods and log exceptions, in order to clean up our code.
.NET Core 3.0 end-of-life, Coronavirus, conferences, CLIs vs GUIs, no more server-side apps, maps, and how to work from home.
I'm publishing a weekly curated newsletter, The Catch Block, every Wednesday for my paid subscribers!
C#, .NET, Web Tech, The Catch Block, Blazor, MVC, and more!
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