I mentioned when I originally launched the subscription option for this blog that more features and perks for subscribers would be forthcoming, and today I am happy to announce that the first of these is now available. As a thank you for becoming a paid subscriber, you will be able to download my eBook, "The Daily Design Pattern: Learning 23 Software Design Patterns in 23 Days".

In this eBook, I have compiled some of my most popular blog posts and updated the text and explanations for them to reflect changes in the world of software design patterns. Each day for 23 days, you can learn about and implement a different software design pattern taken from the Gang of Four's original book, all with C# code examples and revolving around a food and restaurant theme. Plus, each day's examples uses code samples hosted on GitHub, so that you can always check your work against mine.
This eBook is only available to paid subscribers. If you've already become a member, you can sign up to be a paid subscriber on the Signup page. You can subscribe monthly for $3/month, or get an entire year for only $30! Plus, you get email delivery, access to posts two weeks before the general public, no ads ever, and more!
If you are already a paid subscriber: first of all, my most sincere thanks for your trust in me and in this publication! You can now download "The Daily Design Pattern" by visiting your Account page.
I will be looking at other topics for eBooks, particularly the Sorting Algorithm Family Reunion series that I finished last year or The Daily Software Anti-Pattern from two years ago. In either case, I would need to make updates to the texts to reflect any changes that have happened since those posts were published. I might also tackle entirely new topics. Whatever I end up doing, you, my dear readers (subscribers, members, and the public alike), will know first.
Finally, stick around for a new series starting Wed Feb 19 for subscribers and Wed Mar 4 for everyone, where we talk about how to improve your technical speaking skills! Lots of silly photo captions and interesting stories (and a few really useful tips) will be published in that series!
Thank you, dear readers, for supporting me and this blog!
Happy Coding!