The Catch Block Stories Bug Hunt The Catch Block #60 - Lessons from a Botched Deployment The hell weeks continue. But at least we learned something. 2.5 things, in fact. by Matthew Jones
The Catch Block Stories Bug Hunt The Catch Block #59 - Anatomy of a Botched Deployment Plus .NET 6 Preview 4 is released! by Matthew Jones
The Catch Block Bug Hunt ASP.NET The Catch Block #58 - Putting Out Fires, .NET Updates, and AutoHotKey A deployment that didn't go so well. Plus personal extensions, a TypeScript RC, and GitHub Actions. by Matthew Jones
The Catch Block Bug Hunt The Catch Block #38 - Bug Hunt #1 - Routing Parameter Mismatch Insanity and the MVC routing order of precendence. by Matthew Jones
ASP.NET Core Tips DevOps ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT - Set Using a Web.Config File Let's see how to set the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT variable in ASP.NET Core projects using our old friend, the web.config file. by Matthew Jones
Musings msbuild Development Process MSBuild, OutDir, Cargo Cults, and Why Nothing Is Ever Unchangeable MSBuild started it. Where it ended was with an idea that I am constantly being reminded of: nothing is ever unchangeable. by Matthew Jones
Visual Studio Bug Hunt NuGet Fixing Intellisense and Go To Definition in Visual Studio 2019 by Matthew Jones
Screwups Stories Bug Hunt Don't Stop Moving, Especially When You Screw Up Just keep moving. Even, especially, when you screw up. Technology won't wait. by Matthew Jones