C# is my primary programming language. I use it every day. These posts deal specifically with that language, and may also deal with ASP.NET.
Let's write some unit tests! Using Moq and XUnit, let's see how to unit test a sample ASP.NET 5.0 project's business layer.
Using Moq, we'll create a set of "fluent" mocked classes, which will clean up our tests by allowing us to "chain" methods being mocked.
Let's see how to unit test ASP.NET 5.0 applications using XUnit and Moq!
Let's build a complex but useful architecture called the Repository-Service pattern to clearly enforce separation of concerns.
I hate laundry, and particularly sorting socks. Let's make my hate a little less strong by learning how to sort socks efficiently with C#.
Let's take the FizzBuzz question and dissect how you can solve it, what the common mistakes are, and how to improve on it.
Let's take an existing synchronous ASP.NET web app and begin refactoring it to use asynchronous programming. Sample C# project included.
Let's learn how asynchronous programming works in ASP.NET, and what we should remember when attempting to implement it.
C#, .NET, Web Tech, The Catch Block, Blazor, MVC, and more!
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