Exchange Sorts
Posts relating to sorts that operate by exchanging elements in their collection.
Gnome Sort sorts items like a gnome might sort garden pots: inefficiently. She's also an excellent gardener.
Odd-Even Sort compares all numbers in odd-numbered positions to sort them, then all items in even-numbered positions, then gets extra ice cream.
Bubble Sort takes two items and reorders them if they are out of order, and then incessantly tells you about doing that.
Shuffle randomly until sorted, that's how the adorable Bogosort tries to get it done.
Cocktail Shaker Sort does a Bubble Sort in both directions, and wants to have some bubbly.
QuickSort is a recursive sorting algorithm that wishes he could slow down a bit.
Comb Sort sorts elements using an ever-shrinking gap size, and an impressive physical skillset.
Shell Sort wants to divide arrays, sort them separately, and slowly combine them back together, and afterwards curl up with a good book.
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