Methodological Anti-Patterns
Stories about anti-patterns that stem from improper methods, procedures, or team direction.
Bikeshedding happens when people spend too much time arguing over trivial things. The solution is to force the leader to make a decision, and damn the torpedoes.
Gold Plating is the act of making code look good above what is necessary to make it work. The solution is to remember that perfect is the enemy of good.
Ever had a hammer and everything looked like a nail? You had a Golden Hammer! Let's learn why this isn't a good thing.
Cargo-Cult Programming occurs when devs use code, which makes their system work, but do not understand why.
Ever tried to recreate a working system and failed miserably? So have I! Come learn about reinventing the square wheel and how a paradoxical theologian provided a solution for it.
Analysis Paralysis occurs when a decision that needs to be made isn't. Left alone, it becomes quite a nightmare.
Not Invented Here happens when a team refuses to use anything but their own software. Let's see why this is demonstrably not a good thing.
C#, .NET, Web Tech, The Catch Block, Blazor, MVC, and more!
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