Stories about sorting algorithms and their family reunion.
Projects vs. products; FSF doesn't like Copilot; .NET and Open Source; generic Bubble Sort; and competing StringBuilder deep dives.
Bucket Sort places items in divided buckets, then takes them out in the correct order. He also wants to captain a boat, but there's a problem...
Radix sort uses the least-significant digit to sort numbers quickly. Plus, he's super chill.
Gnome Sort sorts items like a gnome might sort garden pots: inefficiently. She's also an excellent gardener.
Pigeonhole Sort creates a set of places to put values in given ranges. He's also a bit of a big child.
Bitonic Merge Sort sorts efficiently on collections with size that is a power of 2, and ONLY those collections.
Counting Sort counts how many times a number shows up and sorts based on that, but it might not be enough to get her into college.
Odd-Even Sort compares all numbers in odd-numbered positions to sort them, then all items in even-numbered positions, then gets extra ice cream.
C#, .NET, Web Tech, The Catch Block, Blazor, MVC, and more!
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