The Catch Block
A premium .NET, C#, and web tech newsletter. Issues come out every Wednesday!
Yet another week of .NET drama, this time with Hot Reload. Plus C# compiler errors, creating a search engine, and Space Cadet Pinball.
Progress is slow, sometimes. Plus VS 2022 release date, new Blazor features, the 10x programmer myth, and readability.
What is the .NET Foundation, and why is everyone mad at them?
Why flow is more important than passion when hiring developers. Plus: Windows 11 is released!
Plus: Minimal APIs and a new project structure; pipes and filters; new Visual Studio themes; exactly what is your job?; and building a weather station with JavaScript and Raspberry Pi.
A musing on architecture; the OWASP Top Ten; a bunch of .NET news; tech debt; and the surprisingly interesting history of time zones.
Plus the Windows 11 launch date, custom field generation, and six cool reads.
Plus MAUI, the @: operator, async streaming, source generators, [CallerMemberName], and custom model binding.
C#, .NET, Web Tech, The Catch Block, Blazor, MVC, and more!
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