The Catch Block
A premium .NET, C#, and web tech newsletter. Issues come out every Wednesday!
Plus a new game for BlazorGames, and how to get C# In Simple Terms as an eBook, with a bonus chapter!
Checking out the biggest events and best articles of the past year, with a special thank you!
Insanity and the MVC routing order of precendence.
Let's get those kids off the screens with some fun Christmas ideas!
A little reminder that, in this dark time, there are still a few things we can be thankful for.
Let's talk about the big releases of .NET 5.0, ASP.NET Core 5.0, C# 9.0, Entity Framework Core 5.0, and F# 5.
Let's build useful string extension methods like ToDelimitedList and Excerpt. Plus: .NET 5.0 has launched!
Let's build a DatabaseService class to execute the DapperHelper generated SQL!
C#, .NET, Web Tech, The Catch Block, Blazor, MVC, and more!
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