In this edition, we finish up the DapperWhereClauseBuilder that we started building two weeks ago.
Plus: gotchas; real-world refactoring; unit tests for legacy systems; the code review pyramid; and .NET 7 Preview 2.
Let's go!
Finishing the Dapper Where Clause Builder
In the previous issue, we talked at length about a class called DapperWhereClauseBuilder that we could use to build complex SQL WHERE clauses. At the end of the previous post, our class looked like this:
public class DapperWhereClauseBuilder
private readonly SortedDictionary<string, object> singleValues = new SortedDictionary<string, object>();
public DapperWhereClauseBuilder AddValue(string parameterName, int? value)
if (value.HasValue && !singleValues.ContainsKey(parameterName))
singleValues.Add(parameterName, value.Value);
return this;
//Lots of overload AddValue methods, one for each primitive type, including bool, double, string, DateTime, and more.
public DapperWhereClauseBuilder AddValue(string parameterName, Guid? value)
if (value.HasValue && !singleValues.ContainsKey(parameterName))
singleValues.Add(parameterName, value.Value);
return this;
public string WhereClause
//If no values are submitted, there is effectively no WHERE clause.
//So, return an empty string.
return string.Empty;
string whereClause = " WHERE ";
foreach(var item in singleValues)
whereClause += item.Key + " = @" + item.Key.ToLower() + " AND ";
whereClause = whereClause.Remove(whereClause.LastIndexOf("AND"));
return whereClause;
public DynamicParameters Parameters
DynamicParameters parameters = new DynamicParameters();
foreach(var item in singleValues)
parameters.Add(item.Key.ToLower(), item.Value);
return parameters;
At this point, this class can only generate WHERE clauses for exact matches on a value. We could end up with "WHERE ColumnName = @Parameter". What we cannot do yet is have more complex matching clauses, such as IS NOT NULL or IS IN. We'll be extending DapperWhereClauseBuilder to permit these kinds of clauses in this issue.
Let's deal with IS NOT NULL clauses first. We need a new collection in DapperWhereClauseBuilder to hold the column names that we need to check for NULL on:
public class DapperWhereClauseBuilder
private readonly SortedDictionary<string, object> singleValues = new SortedDictionary<string, object>();
private readonly List<string> notNullValues = new List<string>();
//...Rest of implementation
We also need a method by which we can add columns to be checked for NOT NULL:
public class DapperWhereClauseBuilder
//...Rest of implementation
public DapperWhereClauseBuilder AddNotNull(string parameterName)
if (!notNullValues.Contains(parameterName))
return this;
//...Rest of implementation
Finally, we need to modify the WhereClause property to includ the output for IS NOT NULL clauses:
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