Just a few weeks ago, as 2020 was ending, I published the last few parts of a Deep Dives series called C# In Simple Terms. You can check out the first post here:
In the 22 posts in this series, we explored how to learn C# as a programming language, from the basics like the type system and classes, to more advanced features like LINQ, indexers, and expressions. The series has loads of code samples, all of which were taken from its own dedicated GitHub repository.

Truth be told, I am quite proud of how this series turned out, and of how many people have messaged me saying how it helped them.
So, to wrap up the series, I am publishing the entire series as PDF eBook, free for download; you can get it right over here.
Bonus Chapter: Asynchronous Programming
As a thank you to my paid subscribers, their edition of the C# In Simple Terms eBook has a 20-page bonus chapter all about asynchronous programming. Subscribers, you can download this eBook from your Account page.
This bonus chapter explains everything you need to know about how to get started using async
and await
in you C# programs, how to refactor synchronous code to be asynchronous, and much more. We even explain how asynchronous programming works by making breakfast!

This bonus chapter will never be released to the public, and can only be read by paid subscribers. So how do you get it?
For just $5/month or $50/year, you can become a subscriber to Exception Not Found. In addition to getting the bonus chapter of C# In Simple Terms, you also get a weekly premium newsletter called The Catch Block, which has the best reads from around the web programming and .NET world, as well as exclusive stories, tips, bug hunts, and other articles that you won't find anywhere else.
Plus, subscribers can download my other eBook, The Daily Design Pattern, which is full of tips on how to implement design patterns from the Gang of Four book in C#, all with food-based examples. Ever wanted to learn how to implement Template Method by baking bread? This book shows you how!
Sign up to be a subscriber today!
Thanks for reading, and Happy Coding!