The Catch Block The Catch Block #19 - Tolerance, Overwhelm, Secrets, and RepoDB Plus speaking to the manager, a new Razor editor for VS, sorting with a query string, and upgrading your remote workspace. by Matthew Jones
Modeling Practice Games Tutorials Modeling Ticket to Ride in C# Part 3: Finding Ideal Routes Let's go route-finding with our C# classes to determine how to get from A to B! by Matthew Jones
Modeling Practice Tutorials C# Modeling Ticket to Ride in C# Part 2: Classes and Board Setup Let's model the game board, destination cards, train cards and more with C# classes! by Matthew Jones
The Catch Block The Catch Block #18 - Two Days, Alternative Career Paths, and Blazor Plus a .NET Core vulnerability, campaigns for .NET Foundation Director, and webwaste. by Matthew Jones
Modeling Practice Games Tutorials Modeling Ticket to Ride in C# Part 1: Intro and Game Rules We're starting a new C# Modeling Practice series, and this time it's a classic board game: Ticket to Ride! by Matthew Jones
The Catch Block The Catch Block #17 - SQL Stupidity, Extreme Stress, Fiddler, and A Tale of Two Developers Plus Roman numerals, strings, GraphQL, and the eternal misunderstanding of HTML. by Matthew Jones
Blazor Games Simulations Conway's Game of Life (With Emojis!) in C# and Blazor WebAssembly Let's build the classic cellular simulation using C#, .NET Core, Blazor, and skulls! Or cats. Or aliens. by Matthew Jones
Announcements Blogging Advertising is Strangling the Web, So I'm Getting Rid Of It I'm sick of ads. Help me keep them off the site by becoming a subscriber! by Matthew Jones