C# is my primary programming language. I use it every day. These posts deal specifically with that language, and may also deal with ASP.NET.
Let's demo the Prototype pattern in C# by creating lots of sandwiches from a few templates.
Let's demo the Memento pattern using food suppliers.
Let's learn about the Observer pattern by modelling a vegetable stock market. Yes, really.
Let's see how the Iterator design pattern works by iterating over my favorite sugary snack: jelly beans!
Let's dig into the Template Method pattern by baking some bread.
Let's build a system to order special meals from restaurants using the Bridge pattern and C#.
Lets see the Adapter Pattern in action with C# by modelling a meat database.
Let's learn about the Facade Pattern by modeling patrons, servers, and kitchens.
C#, .NET, Web Tech, The Catch Block, Blazor, MVC, and more!
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