C# is my primary programming language. I use it every day. These posts deal specifically with that language, and may also deal with ASP.NET.
We can iterate over our custom collection by implementing an iterator on them! It makes using foreach so simple!
Let's build indexers so our C# classes can be accessed like arrays!
Learn all about DateTime, TimeSpan, and TimeZoneInfo!
Let's see how to manipulate, format, split, compare, and concatenate strings. Plus, we'll learn what Cultures are and how to use them!
Let's discuss some abstract concepts in C#. Plus: interpolated strings!
Let's learn how to store and retrieve metadata using attributes and reflection.
Two different ways to group values without needing an entire class.
Let's make types that use other types!
C#, .NET, Web Tech, The Catch Block, Blazor, MVC, and more!
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