The Catch Block
A premium .NET, C#, and web tech newsletter. Issues come out every Wednesday!
ChaosDB causes chaos; MS builds a geothermal energy plant; five ways to communicate between services; Visual Studio theming; and TypeScript 4.4 is released.
In this edition: keep your tests updated; software as a product; getting prop names from lambda expressions; resolving conflict in remote teams; and default browser problems in Windows 11.
.NET 6 Preview 7; VS 2022 Preview 3; CodeMash CFP is open; Minimal APIs are pretty cool; why don't .NET devs use diagnostics?
Projects vs. products; FSF doesn't like Copilot; .NET and Open Source; generic Bubble Sort; and competing StringBuilder deep dives.
A Source Generator for JSON, Clean Code vs. Performance, an F# conf, and excellent debugging.
Let's check out cool new features for C# 10! Plus new previews of .NET 6 and VS 2022.
Troy Hunt's IoT adventure, some excellent C# tips, a small Blazor tip, and a deep dive into StringBuilder.
GitHub Copilot causes a stir. Plus GraphQL, accessibility, randomness, and xoshiro.
C#, .NET, Web Tech, The Catch Block, Blazor, MVC, and more!
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