Matthew Jones
from Phoenix, AZ, USA
Developer, speaker, husband, father, reader, walker, Catholic, ADHD, lots of things!
Let's implement drawers and components to display text and "freeform" lines in our FabricJS canvas!
Invisible but not worthless, plants and dogs, reusability, VS 2019, gaslighting, file uploads, Blazor, and Life.
Let's add basic shapes like rectangles, ovals, and triangles, and create a toolbar so the user can select whichever they want!
Let's add the ability to draw straight lines, and set up code we need for more drawers in the future!
You are not alone! Plus: CQRS, Hexo, Conway, ASP.NET Core 5, and Refactoring.
Let's see how to start building a drawing canvas with FabricJS and TypeScript!
Pluralsight is free for April, working remote and feeling down, and a new preview of .NET 5!
Blazor, accessibility, frontline warriors, TypeScript, damn fine weather, letters to the self, and query strings.
C#, .NET, Web Tech, The Catch Block, Blazor, MVC, and more!
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